13 carbon NMR spectroscopy

13 carbon NMR spectroscopy :-
                                                         Natural abundance of 13 carbon very low approximately 1.1./.
13Carbon is simple as campare to Hydrogen NMR but the observation of 13Carbon NMR is very difficult as campare to proton NMR.
Carbon have three isotope 12 carbon 13 carbon 14 carbon but only 13 carbon nuclei has nuclear spin quantum number I equal to not zero. So it is a NMR active nuclei.
13Carbon nuclei only show coupling with proton directivity attached and so splitting of NMR signal take place
13Carbon nuclei is heavy as campare to proton nuclei so we require high energy and we apply a high intensity magnetic field of radio frequency region
Chemical shift of 13Carbon NMR := 

  Chemical shift in 13Carbon NMR is recorded at s-scale with respect of TMS.
The value of s-scale 0-200 or above.
The number of signal in 13Carbon NMR spectra indicate the total number of non equelent carbon atom.
In 13Carbon number 13Carbon coupling so NMR singlet broad band proton d- couplespectra .
The 13Carbon and proton coupling also provide information about the number of hydrogen atom present on carbon atom.
The coupling also follow (n+1) rule.
13Carbon of resonance :-
                                               In this type of spectra coupling between c-c it absence but coupling between 13Carbon and proton is considered according to n+1 rule
So it provide the information about the number of proton present on carbon.

Broad band proton decouple 13Carbon NMR spectra :-
                           In this spectra we remove the coupling between 13Carbon proton every signal in proton decouple 13Carbon NMR spectra appear as singlet so it provides the information about total number of non equelent set of carbon in the molecule.
In this technique first we record proton d- couples spectraof resonance spectra we record proton of resonance spectra
So we can easily get information about the molecule.


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